Weather in Phuket in December, water and air temperature, reviews


Travel Picture »Thailand» Weather in Phuket in December, water and air temperature, reviews

Consider a vacation in Phuket in December on New Year's Eve, what nuances await tourists as climatic conditions. We will find out when and where it is better to rest, what is the temperature of the water and air, how much precipitation falls. We will listen to reviews of tourists about a winter trip to the sea in Thailand, what you need to know when traveling alone or with children.

Features of the weather in December in Phuket

This month the monsoons leave the island (when is the rainy season in Thailand?), Which bring hot and humid air from the northeast. The wind comes from the opposite side. The rains stop, they go no more than seven days in a month, and then more often at night. Not so wet anymore. There is no heat, which is very hard to endure and prices for tours begin to rise.

You can go on an excursion or to the beach without fear of getting wet under the tropical downpour. During the day, no more than 30 degrees. At night, the thermometer does not drop below 23, very rarely it reaches 21 degrees.

When going to the mountains, tourists take warm clothes with them, it is very cold there. But near the sea, travelers need to remember about ultraviolet radiation, which can burn the delicate skin of people who came from northern states in a matter of minutes.

Phuket weather in December favors resort holidays Khao Lak, Krabi on Phi phi, southwest of the island. You should not risk a comfortable pastime this month. Gulf of Thailand, on Phangan and Samui. Lovers of sunny days will be satisfied with their rest in Pattaya and on Chang. Can they stay at Hua hin.

Holidays in December for the New Year provides an opportunity to forget about frosts, blizzards in your home country and celebrate the holiday weekend in your own way, in completely different conditions. At least for a short time, plunge into paradise and exoticism. And then bring home an unforgettable experience of the warm sea, white sand, visiting original temples. It is very interesting to get acquainted with a culture that is completely different from the European one.

Average temperature by day:

When is the best time to relax in Phuket?

Vacation reviews

Tourists, returning from Phuket, share their impressions of celebrating the New Year on the island, visiting enchanting shows. They write reviews about the Royal Regatta, in which many yachts participate, about the amazing views opening from the observation decks, about excursions to the island named after James Bond, about the celebration of the King's birthday.

The beaches stretching along the coast delight visitors who have found themselves in an exotic paradise. There are no storm waves, the sea water reaches 28 degrees. True, she is like that at any time of the year. Turquoise and smooth surface are striking.

A lot of people arrive on the island after the middle of the month. Then comes the peak season. There is no shortage of tourists who want to celebrate the holidays here. There are a lot of people in shops, on beaches, in interesting places. The cost of services in hotels is perceptibly increasing, prices for tours and excursions are rising. Flights are sold out in advance.

  • Holidays in Phuket in January ⇒

What to do and what to do on vacation?

The restaurants located on the island offer gorgeous dinners for Christmas and New Years. Guests are accommodated by the pools, where fun reigns supreme. Interesting programs are envisaged, fireworks are launched.

People flock to Bangla Street, which is adjacent to Patong Beach. Young people have fun in bars and nightclubs until the morning. You can listen to local artists, see exhibitions and a bright parade during the ongoing carnival. Kids are invited to the Spice House to receive a gift, to participate in contests.

For those who are annoyed by the noise and explosion of firecrackers, Suring and Bagtao can be recommended. It's a little quieter there.

The Andaman Sea, washing the island, is calm this month. Here you can swim on bananas and catamarans, dive under the water with scuba diving to see the most beautiful corals, observe sea inhabitants, and make an unforgettable parachute flight. It is interesting to watch triathlon competitions at the Laguna resort.

The island surprisingly combines a vibrant nightlife and unique nature, the richest temples and local traditions.

  • Rent of private housing, prices ⇒

Pros and cons of traveling in December

Perfect weather, entertainment programs, spectacles during the Regatta and Carnival, amazing sights, good discounts on goods - all this refers to the undoubted advantage of a vacation in Phuket.

People planning a trip during the peak season should not forget about the disadvantages of traveling. To fly here for a week at the beginning of December, you will have to pay one and a half dollars, then the cost approaches 2 thousand. It will not be possible to rent a hotel room cheaper than $ 40 per day.

  • Top 10 All Inclusive Phuket Hotels ⇒

Excursions in Phuket

What to see in Phuket in December? Let's start with family and children recreation. An excursion to the water park will delight the little visitors of the island. They are happy to come to the Butterfly Garden, to a farm where crocodiles are bred. It is interesting to watch a colorful performance about Ancient Siam. It will cost up to 1,650 baht. Fans of extreme sports are expected in national parks, where mountain rivers, jumping into raging bodies of water, and a quad bike ride are at their service.

You can buy a ticket for a sightseeing tour and see the Top of the White Buddha, visit a factory where honey is made, see how precious stones are processed. You will have to pay at least 900 baht.

In a province called Krabi, they bathe in hot water springs, visit Buddhist temples. A day here will cost two thousand baht.

The underwater view and fabulous nature are promised during the tour to Tachai. Such a trip costs from 2500 baht.

James Bond fans will have an unforgettable trip to the island that is named after him.

Tourists are offered to observe tigers in the Kingdom, even visit them in cages. This pleasure costs 2,800 baht.

The beauty of Buddhist temples, which guests of the island will see during numerous excursions, will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • Cost of travel to Phuket ⇒

The cost of travel to Thailand

Round-trip plane tickets can cost from $ 700. Those wishing to go on an excursion should remember that it will cost them at least $ 30, and you can dine, depending on your appetite, from $ 5 to $ 15.

It is advisable to buy a tour to the island several months in advance, so that later you do not pay twice as much. By ordering in advance, you can purchase a tour to the island for 7 or 10 days. The cheapest tour without breakfast from Moscow costs about 67 thousand rubles.
