30 main monasteries of the Moscow region


On the territory of central Russia, religious tourism is one of the most popular destinations. Among other things, the Moscow region is a region rich in monasteries and temples. This happened historically, taking into account the spread of Orthodoxy, however, in modern times, the restoration and construction of old and new monasteries can be called put on stream. Monasteries differ not only in the year they were built, but also in a number of other characteristics: from the occupied area to openness in terms of communication with the outside world.

Some are notable for past events, while others store relics and artifacts that are significant to believers. To travel around all the monasteries of the Moscow region in one go is hardly a real task, especially if the journey is meaningful and detailed. Nevertheless, you can outline the most interesting objects for yourself.

Existing women's and men's monasteries in the Moscow region

The most beautiful and famous holy places with miraculous icons, list and description!

Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Located in Sergiev Posad. Founded in 1337. Sergius of Radonezh stood at the origin. At the suggestion of Elizabeth, a seminary was opened here, at the same time the status of a laurel was received. After the revolution, there was a decline, but the monastery began to be restored in the middle of the last century. Rublev worked on the iconostasis. The relics of the saints are kept here. Now - a man's monastery, a vast courtyard, many pilgrims.

Address: Sergiev Posad

Site: stsl.ru

New Jerusalem monastery

Male. Located in Istra. Founded in 1656. Repeats the outline of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. After the revolution, two museums were opened here. During the Second World War, many buildings of the monastery were destroyed. The first stage of restoration is in the middle of the last century, the second - in the 90s. The central building is the Resurrection Cathedral. The fortress walls and towers have been preserved. Nearby are: the Museum of Wooden Architecture and "New Jerusalem".

Address: Istra, st. Soviet, 2

Website: www.n-jerusalem.ru

Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery

Male. Located in Dzerzhinsky, founded in 1380. The construction is associated with the Battle of Kulikovo and the appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Before the return of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 90s, it was repeatedly ruined, including the loss of St. Nicholas Cathedral. It was revived in 2006. Now there is a seminary in the monastery. There is a hotel for pilgrims. In the center of the architectural ensemble is the Hand-painted Savior Transfiguration Cathedral.

Address: Dzerzhinsky, St. Nicholas Square, 1

Website: ugresha.org

Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery

Male. Located in Teryaevo. Founded in 1479. The main buildings are dated to the XVI-XVII centuries, the earlier ones have not survived. In the past, eminent prisoners were held here, including Tsar Vasily Shuisky. The monastery holds the relics of Saint Joseph, as well as his chains. During the Second World War and later, there was an orphanage within these walls. There is a hotel for pilgrims. The central cathedral is the Assumption.

Address: Teryaevo village

Site: iosif-vm.ru

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery

Male. Located in Zvenigorod. Founded in 1398. One of the first laurels in Russia. A disciple of Sergius of Radonezh stood at the origins. A road was laid from Moscow to the monastery - the Tsar's way. Now it is part of the museum-reserve. The restoration was carried out slowly. Current buildings: a couple of churches, two temples, a cathedral and outbuildings. The peculiarity of the monastery is the recipe for kvass with raisins.

Address: Zvenigorod, Ratekhinskoe highway, possession 8

Website: www.savvastor.ru

Nikolo-Peshnoshsky monastery

Male. Located in Lugovoy. Founded in 1361. It flourished in the 16th century: the bread trade brought a lot of money to the monastery. Stone construction began. After the revolution, part of the territory was given to the local history museum. The revival began in 2007. The iconostasis was made anew, the buildings were restored, and the church utensils of the past were accepted as a gift. There are six temples on the territory.

Address: Lugovoy village

Website: peshnosha.com

Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery

Female. Located in Serpukhov. Founded in 1360. Metropolitan Alexy stood at the source. In the past, he often lost independence. On the territory there are utility buildings, including a hotel. The main temple - the Vvedensky Cathedral - was constantly rebuilt and changed, the current appearance was created at the end of the 16th century. The rest of the temples of the monastery of the same period of construction or a little later.

Address: Serpukhov, st. Oktyabrskaya, 40

Staro-Golutvin monastery

Male. Located in Kolomna. Founded in 1385. Ivan the Terrible visited. There was a large library. It has been actively recovering since the early 90s. At the same time, a seminary was opened here, which was abolished in 2012. The main temple is the Epiphany Cathedral. The walls and towers have been preserved, they were erected in different historical periods. The western and eastern buildings are reserved for living quarters for both monks and pilgrims.

Address: Kolomna, st. Golutvinskaya, 11

Site: starogolutvin.ru

Belopesotsky monastery

Female. Located in Stupino. Founded in the 15th century. The initial designation of the local building was military and defensive. In the 17th and 18ths, it was administered by other monasteries. After the revolution, it partially became a museum. In the 90s of the last century, it was transferred to the ROC, but without the lands that had previously been part of the courtyard. In addition to churches and temples, there is a necropolis on its territory, some of the tombstones are embedded in the walls.

Address: Stupino, st. Belopesotskaya

Site: svtbm.ru

Bobrenev monastery

Male. Located in the village of Old Bobrenevo. Founded in 1381. Sergiy of Radonezh blessed the construction in honor of the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo. Serious reconstruction and replacement of dilapidated buildings began in 1790, a stone wall appeared. The monastery gained full independence 75 years later. The Singing Angels Temple has a unique acoustics: the singing of one person standing in the choir is heard in polyphony.

Address: village Old Bobrenevo

Website: www.bobrenev.ru

Ascension David's Hermitage

Male. Located in the village of Novy Byt. Founded in 1515. Few monks lived on its territory, but they owned about a hundred peasant houses and a Moscow courtyard. Among the relics, particles of the relics of saints and martyrs are currently kept in the monastery. In 2005, a murder took place here: Archimandrite Herman was found in his cell with signs of a violent death.

Address: s. New Life, st. Youth, property 5

Website: www.davidova-pustyn.ru

Pokrovsky Khotkov monastery

Female. Located in Khotkovo. Founded in 1308. It was originally mixed, that is, for both sexes. Here they took monastic vows, and later the parents of Sergius of Radonezh died. At the present time, there are theological courses and a Sunday school. The main church - St. Nicholas Cathedral - was built in the Russian-Byzantine style. The Holy Gates have been preserved unchanged since the middle of the 17th century.

Address: Khotkovo, st. Cooperative, ownership 2

Site: khotkovmonastery.ru

Novogolutvinsky monastery

Female. Founded in the 19th century. Located on the territory of the local Kremlin. Two churches, stone chambers and a bell tower have survived from the original buildings. Already in the modern period, a temple and a chapel were erected. The monastery actively receives nuns from near and far abroad. There is a hotel and a refectory for pilgrims. The choir of the monastery goes to perform in other cities.

Address: Lazarev, 11

Website: www.novogolutvin.ru

Borisoglebsky monastery Dmitrov

Male. Located in Dmitrov. Known since the 15th century, but may have been founded earlier. The oldest building is the Cathedral of Boris and Gleb, dating back to the 16th century. In 1988, large excavations were carried out nearby and discovered a semi-dugout with ceramics and part of a glass bracelet. Shrines: part of the Cross of the Lord, an ark with a particle of the relics of Boris and Gleb, the remains of other saints and martyrs.

Address: Dmitrov, st. Minin, possession 4

Site: dmitrov-bgm.ru

Vysotsky monastery in Serpukhov

Male. Founded in the XIV century. One of the oldest, is one of the monasteries, the construction of which was blessed by Sergius of Radonezh.Initially, the reason for the construction of the monastery was the desire of the authorities to strengthen the borders. The main reason for the pilgrimage is the Inexhaustible Chalice icon, which, according to legend, helps to cope with alcoholism. It contains part of the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Address: Kaluzhskaya, 5/3

Website: visotskymonastir.ru

Assumption Brusensky Monastery

Female. Located in Kolomna on the territory of the Kremlin. Founded in 1552. Was originally masculine. Only two hundred years later, stone buildings began to appear, including the bell tower. After the revolution, it was closed and converted into a warehouse. Since 1997, there has been a restoration. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been well preserved since the foundation of the monastery. Later, a cathedral and other buildings appeared.

Address: Kolomna, Brusensky lane, 36

Website: www.ubdm.ru

Mozhaisky Luzhetsky Monastery

Male. Founded in 1408. There were 18 monasteries in the city, only this one has survived. The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the center of the architectural ensemble. Built in the first half of the 16th century. The rest of the buildings are younger, and were built in different historical periods. One of the reasons for the pilgrimage is the "Well of St. Therapont" - a spring with healing water located nearby.

Address: Mozhaisk, st. Gerasimova, 1

Site: luzh-mon.ru

Catherine desert (Vidnoe)

Monastery for men. Founded in 1658. Named in honor of the great martyr, who allegedly appeared in a dream to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and predicted the birth of her daughter. Many periods of history are associated with lack of money: there was no land and income of their own, salaries were delayed, the monastery was taken out of the state. In Soviet times, the desert was considered a reserve, and then a prison. Returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1991. A museum was also opened here in 2010.

Address: Vidnoe, Petrovsky proezd, possession 21

Website: www.ekaterinamon.ru

Spaso-Borodinsky monastery

Female. Located in Borodinsky. Founded in 1839 by the widow of General Tuchkov, who died in the Battle of Borodino. She received part of the amount for the construction from Alexander I. The widow settled at the monastery, later single women began to come here. Later Tuchkova became Mother Superior Maria. After the revolution, the monastery managed to be a hospital, school, warehouse. Restoration began in 1994.

Address: village Semenovskoe

Site: spaso-borodinskiymon.ortox.ru

Alexander Nevsky Monastery in Maklakovo

Female. Founded in 1892 in honor of the rescue of the emperor and his family after a train disaster. The main value was the icon "Satisfy My Sorrows". After the revolution, the monastery was transformed into a post office, a school, and a hospital. By the time of its revival in 1996, the monastery was in a deplorable state. More like ruins. Not only the main church was restored, but also the iconostasis with ceramic decor.

Address: d. Maklakovo

Website: maklakovo.rf

Anosin Borisoglebsky Monastery

Female. Located in the village of Anosino. Founded in 1823 by Tyutchev's aunt in memory of her deceased husband. The princess kept an almshouse at the local church, later transformed into a hostel, and only then a monastery appeared here. After the revolution, the territory fell into decay. The return of the Russian Orthodox Church is dated 1993. The monastery started working again in 1999. Trinity Cathedral is the main temple of the monastery.

Address: s. Anosino, p / o Pavlovskaya Sloboda, st. Troitskaya, 37

Website: www.anosinomonastir.ru

Trinity-Odigitrievskaya desert

Female. Located on the territory of the village of Zosimova Pustyn. Before the revolution he had a high status. Then an artel and a pioneer camp were organized here. In the 90s, it began to be restored as a courtyard of the Novodevichy Convent. Subsequently, he regained independence. Some of the original buildings have survived, including the monastery walls and towers. The founder Zosima was canonized in 2000.

Address: Novofedorovskoe settlement, Zosimova Pustyn settlement

Site: zosimapustin.ru

Kolotsky monastery

Female, used to be male. Founded presumably in 1413, although there are discrepancies on this matter. The icon kept here was considered miraculous and attracted donations and pilgrims. Ivan the Terrible took her with him on a campaign against Polotsk. In our time, a list of this icon is kept within the walls of the monastery. The cathedral, the chapel, part of the outbuildings have been restored, work continues. There are no walls yet.

Address: village Kolotskoe

Site: kolockiy.cerkov.ru

Kolychevsky Kazan Monastery

Female. Founded in the second half of the 19th century. It is believed that the place was not chosen by chance: an icon of the Kazan Mother of God allegedly appeared here. The construction was carried out in stages and stretched out over time. After the revolution, some of the nuns were exiled to Kazakhstan. In the 2000s, active restoration began, and a courtyard appeared at the monastery. The sisters help at the boarding house, as well as at the TB dispensary.

Address: Kolychevo village, st. Zinaida Samsonova, 31

Website: www.kolycheovo.ru

Pokrovsko-Vasilievsky monastery

Male, formerly female. Located in Pavlovsky Posad. Founded in 1885. Yakov Labzin and Vasily Gryaznov, believing merchants, invested a lot in the monastery. The latter is numbered among the locally revered saints. At present, the monastery contains particles of the relics of saints - more than two hundred units. Since the return of the monastery to the Russian Orthodox Church, several buildings have been built, the main church has been restored, and work continues.

Address: Pavlovsky Posad, st. Maxim Gorky, 25

Website: www.pvmonastir.ru

Spaso-Blakhernsky monastery

Female. Located in the village of Dedenevo. Founded in 1861. At the time of closing, about three hundred nuns lived here. During the Second World War, the buildings of the monastery were destroyed. In the 90s, temples and churches had to be restored almost from ruins. The opening took place in 2001. The main temple is the Savior of the Image Not Made by Hands. The cells and the refectory were rebuilt. An excursion for pilgrims has been developed.

Address: pos. Dedenevo

Website: www.vlaherna.ru

Holy Cross Monastery Jerusalem

Female. Located in the village of Lukino. Founded in 1865. It arose on the site of a women's almshouse. The transformation took place at the suggestion of Saint Philaret and Countess Golovina, on whose land the monastery arose. There are three churches and all kinds of outbuildings on the territory. After the restoration in the early 90s of the last century, the main goal was declared to be the cause of charity and mercy.

Address: s. Lukino

Site: krest-mon.ru

Nikolo-Berlyukovskaya desert

Male. Located in the village of Avdotino. It was first mentioned in 1606. The monastery was constantly being transformed and had different statuses. After the revolution, there was a home for the disabled and a sanatorium. Since 1992, the monastery has been operating again. The work was carried out slowly and stretched out until 2006, when a cross was put up on the bell tower. The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is famous for its iconostasis located in the basement.

Address: d. Avdotino

Website: www.berluki.ru

Nikolo-Radovitsky monastery

Male. Located in the village of Radovitsy. Founded in 1584. Earlier on this place there was Akakiyeva hermitage. The main shrine was the carved image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Yesenin visited the monastery. There are notable graves of famous people here. Recovery work is proceeding slowly due to lack of funding. Access to the monastery is difficult.

Address: st. Shchukina, 1 A

Gethsemane Chernigov Skete

It is a courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Located in Sergiev Posad. Founded in the 40s of the XIX century. The center of the architectural ensemble is the Chernigov Temple. Below it is a cave church, rebuilt in the modern period. It also serves as an altar. Although it is considered a monastery, most of the territory is devoted to a boarding school for disabled children.

Address: Sergiev Posad, st. Gethsemane ponds, 1

Site: skit-chernigovsky.ru
