Reviews of tourists about Baku. Rest, beaches, sea, prices - 2021


Read reviews about your vacation in Baku - the hospitable capital of Azerbaijan. Learn first-hand about the weather, hotels, beaches on the Caspian Sea, excursions and attractions. Pros and cons of rest in Baku in 2021.

Reviews about the weather in Baku

The city is located on the Absheron Peninsula, where a mild continental and semi-desert climate prevails. Tourists come to Baku all year round, and for a beach holiday on the Caspian Sea - from late May to September.

Olya Lapaeva: "In early spring, the daytime temperature is +9 ... + 11 ° C, and at night +3 ... + 5 ° C. In the Caspian Sea, only a few swim in the spring months, the water temperature does not exceed + 10 ° C. Rains was not, the sun was shining, but in the evenings it was windy. I was impressed by the blossoming of cherry and cherry-plum. "

Andrei Mayboroda: "In April, Baku met with a strong changeable wind. Otherwise, the weather was favorable: the daytime temperature was + 15 ° C. There were no rains at all, the sun was shining brightly."

According to tourists, summer in Baku is hot and sunny. Precipitation is rare. In June + 25 ... + 30 ° С, and in July +28 ... + 33 ° С. The sea water is warmed up to a comfortable + 24 ... + 26 ° С. The hottest month of the year is August. The thermometer column does not fall below + 33 ... + 35 ° С.

Svetlana: "In August the weather was very hot + 37 ... + 40 ° С. Despite the fact that Baku is a" city of winds ", during all those days there was never any precipitation or wind."

Dry and warm weather lasts until mid-October. In the middle of autumn in the afternoon + 19 ... + 20 ° С. It's already cool to swim - the sea temperature is + 19 ° С. But walking around the city is a pleasure!

Reviews of tourists about hotels in Baku

Look for hotels with discounts on Rumguru. Here are the main rules for finding hotels.

In the Azerbaijani capital, you can stay in hotels, apartments, rent an apartment or a country house. There are 4-5 * hotels of well-known international brands and small family hotels in the city. Most of them are located in the center of Baku. Prices for a double room in a 3 * hotel - $ 40-70. Renting a one-room apartment starts at $ 40.

To make your vacation in Baku a success in 2021, study the reviews of tourists about hotels. They will help you make the right choice.

Elizaveta: "Four Seasons Hotel Baku 5 * is a wonderful hotel. Excellent location. A rare opportunity to use the fitness center around the clock. The pool is beyond praise. Helpful staff."

Listopad: "Everything is great! I would give the Winterpark Hotel Baku 4 * 5 stars without hesitation. If I still go to Baku, then only here."

Alexey: "Qafqaz Baku City Hotel and Residences 4 * is a high-class service hotel. Pros - comfortable rooms, fast internet, wonderful breakfast."

There are also negative reviews about Baku hotels. Some tourists were dissatisfied with the accommodation.

Natalia: "The room we were accommodated in at the Nemi 3 * hotel was on the ground floor. The window overlooks the porch where people smoke. There is a finger-thick crack under the door, you can hear everything that happens at the reception."

Reviews of tourists about the beaches and the sea in Baku

There is a large port in the city, so the sea is not very clean. For a beach holiday, tourists and locals leave for the nearest suburbs of Baku: Sumgait, Novkhanu, Shikhovo, Mardakan, Zagulbu, or Bilgu, where there are good sandy beaches. According to tourists' reviews for 2020, the sea water near Baku is clean and transparent.

On the Absheron Peninsula, all equipped coastal areas are paid. Money is not taken only from those who are resting in a sanatorium. These beaches have cabanas, toilets, shade shelters, cafes and parking lots. For a fee of $ 3 or more, you will be allowed to swim and given a sun lounger. If you pay $ 6, you get a table and chairs. Tea with sweets costs $ 4-6, and ice cream - $ 1-4.

katkiss: "We really liked the sea - warm, beautiful, sand. There are not many people on the Pirshagi beach. You can put a barbecue and sit."

Elena K .: "The beach in Shikhovo is paid. But don't expect service and cleanliness for money - it's very dirty and not well-groomed. Wild beaches are cleaner."

AleksejsGrjaznihs: "Amburan Beach Club is possibly the best beach in Baku. Half an hour drive from the city."

Reviews of tourists about excursions in Baku

Look for author's interesting excursions on the Sputnik and Tripster sites. Individual and group, no crowds of tourists and in Russian.

According to tourists' reviews, on vacation in Baku in 2021, you can take excursions in Russian. Vacationers like sightseeing tours, walking and bus tours of the Old City of Icheri Sheher, trips to the pink lake Masazir and to the UNESCO-protected Gobustan reserve.

Read reviews of tourists about excursions and choose the ones that you like.

Irina S.: "Thank you very much for a great excursion. Excellent mastery of the material, mad love for your nation and country. A very pleasant aftertaste remains." More about the excursion →

Alla T.: "On the tour of the" City of Winds "time flew by unnoticed, there were pleasant memories and a desire to return to Baku." More about the excursion →

Guz M.: "An excellent excursion for those who are not afraid to walk a lot. We saw and heard a lot of interesting things. In 4 hours, almost all the sights." More about the excursion →

The gastronomic tour of Baku "Tastes and aromas of Azerbaijani cuisine" received a lot of positive feedback.

Oksana: "The excursion charges with the desire to continue a pleasant acquaintance with the country's gastronomic culture and sights." More about the excursion →

Reviews of tourists about the sights of Baku

If you want to see the wonders of architecture and models of historical sights, visit the center of Heydar Aliyev. Unique exhibits that tell about the cultural heritage of Azerbaijan are exhibited here. The ticket price is 15 AZN.

There are many beautiful parks in Baku. Walk along Seaside Boulevard, Izmir Park, Khagani Garden, Fountain Square and Central Botanical Garden.

Max-metrolog: "You can get to the Upland Park by funicular - the cost is 1 AZN, or you can walk. The view is amazing, very beautiful."

According to tourists, one of the iconic sights of Baku is the three tallest buildings in Azerbaijan. The towers are 34 to 39 stories high and look like flames.

argo60: "The original Flame Towers rise above the city center and adorn it day and night. The surrounding area is interesting. It is difficult to climb on foot. If the funicular does not work, it is better to take a taxi."

There are many interesting activities for children in Baku. Admire the streets and buildings from the Ferris wheel, go to the water park and Baku Zoo.

Pros and cons of rest in Baku

Many tourists liked the trip to Baku. According to reviews, the capital of Azerbaijan is a beautiful, colorful city where you want to return.

Why is it worth going on vacation in Baku in 2021, according to tourists:

  • A simplified visa regime between Russia and Azerbaijan.
  • Interesting cultural traditions.
  • There are many sights in Baku and nearby.
  • There are good sandy beaches on the Absheron Peninsula.
  • Delicious Azerbaijani cuisine.
  • Nice tidy streets.

DenisVasilev: "The city is clean, all rubbish is only in garbage cans."


  • The rest is not too cheap.
  • Hot climate.
  • Due to transport, the air in Baku is smoky, and traffic jams often occur on the streets.
  • There are very few pedestrian crossings.
  • Understanding problems with local people.

ochkariks: "The number of Russian-speaking people has decreased, and only a small part of the local population speaks English. The language barrier will not be felt in the capital, but difficulties will arise outside of it."

The nuances of rest in Baku and tourist advice

In summer, the Baku sun is especially active. Be sure to bring a lightweight hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen when traveling.

Prices for hotels in the center of Baku are higher than in the outskirts. However, saving is not worth it! It is more convenient to live in the central part of the city. Traffic congestion can take a long time to get to the hotel in the suburbs.

In Baku restaurants, cafes, shopping centers and markets, they pay in national currency - manats... Some stores accept dollars, but not worn and old bills.

If you are going to the market, take small denomination money. Be sure to bargain! Good bargaining will help to significantly reduce the price.

Currency in Baku is changed in banks and special exchange offices. We advise you not to use the services of private money changers.

Lana Blond: "Money can be changed at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport, where almost all planes arrive. The exchange rate does not differ much from others in the city."

Azerbaijan is a Muslim state. Respect his customs and traditions! Do not go outside drunk and wearing extravagant clothes.
