Mountain Park "Ruskeala": reviews, how to get, photos


We are talking about the most popular sight of Karelia - the Ruskeala mountain park. Our review, opinions of other tourists, prices and useful tips. What to see there, how much it costs and how to get there by car from St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk.

What to see in the Ruskeala park

TOP-attraction of Karelia is the Ruskeala mountain park. There you will see a flooded marble quarry with an unreal color of water - what tourists come here for and what flashes in all advertising brochures. A large tourist complex has gradually grown around it in order to attract and serve an army of tourists.

In fact, something else is interesting in the park:

  • An Italian quarry with fantastically smooth marble cuts;
  • an underground lake in the hole, where excursions are conducted;
  • retro train "Ruskeala Express", where the interiors in the style of the 19-20 centuries. This is a humming, smoking and whistling steam locomotive - the only daily steam-powered train in Russia;
  • an abandoned factory, which can now only be viewed from above.

There are attractions and excursions in the park - where can you go without them! You can rent a boat, do bungee jumping or zip lines, but these are all quite expensive. For children - a rope park and "Kalevala".

Our review of the Ruskeala park

We visited all the main sights of Karelia during our auto expedition, but the Ruskeala mountain park with the Marble Canyon, treated kindly by tourists, did not impress us at all. A lot of people, sometimes there are even traffic jams. Everything is extremely commercialized. We have included the park in the list of the most boring places in Karelia.

In general, you will have a pleasant time there walking around the canyon. The views are cute and photogenic. It is especially beautiful in autumn, when the trees turn yellow and red. With a very slow inspection and constant photo stops, the walk will take no more than 3 hours. If you are near, it is worth stopping by, but in no case should you come here from afar.

Almost all tourists are happy after visiting the park, but it also has disadvantages.

Reviewed by Martabystrova on TripAdvisor: "We stood in line for a long time for entrance tickets. Then we need to stand in line for tickets for an excursion and find out that there are no places for today, for example. For a boat, you must first stand in line for a ticket, and then again a queue at the ticket office. In general, a madhouse. But you should come for a walk. If you get hungry, there is a queue in the cafe))) "

Reviewed by Ekaterina S. on TripAdvisor: "After reading the laudatory reviews and having watched the heavily photoshopped photos, we decided to go for a few days. And regretted it. It is an absolutely unremarkable park. You can walk, but at most one day. The sounds of the construction site, pulling money from tourists - the excursions are expensive and free. The mountains are only in the name of the park, no mountain aesthetics are felt. "

Prices in Ruskeale

Entrance - 300 rubles. Separately in "Kalevala" - 100 rubles.

Entertainment and excursions: bungee - 1500 rubles / person, boat rental - 600 rubles per hour per boat, 1200 per person, excursion "Underground Ruskeala" - 1200 rubles per person.

Where to eat and where to live

Cafe. There are two of them on the territory, and they are located in the place of the former main entrance. In Ruskolka the average bill is about 700-800 rubles for two. Kolmas Burgers - fast food. There is also a bakery where you can have a bite to eat with a gate.

Hotels. There are hotels and campings in Ruskeale and not far from the park - look for them on Rumguru. Book in advance!

Useful Tips

  • Come on weekdays - there are fewer tourists. In summer, tourists are advised to come to the opening at all. We were in August in the middle of the day and there was no line at the checkout.
  • Autumn at sunset is the most beautiful of all.
  • Follow the green route and you will see a lot of interesting things.
  • Enter through the new parking lot.
  • Dress warmly for the "Underground Ruskeala" excursion.
  • They say that you can get to the park for free - through the old entrance. I don't know, we haven't tried it.
  • In August, the park hosts the Ruskeala Symphony music festival.
  • Official site of the park. Look there for opening hours, prices, event poster.

How to get to Ruskeala by car from St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk

From Saint-Petersburg. By car, drive first to Sortavala, then to Ruskeala. After the Tohmajoki River, after about 750 meters, there is a sign to the park. Turn left and you will come across a spacious new parking lot. Address: st. Marble, 1, item Ruskeala.

From Petrozavodsk. By car along the P21 highway, then after the village of Pryazha turn right onto the Sortavala highway (A-121). Follow it to the Ruskeala village. Ruskeala.
