Prices for excursions in Monastir, where to go?


We will find out the prices for excursions in Monastir, what program tours should be taken first of all for sightseeing in Tunisia with family and children, the best entertainment in the resort.

Monastir is one of the best seaside resorts in Tunisia, most of which is occupied by magnificent beaches. It is for a beach holiday that vacationers come here. But they can perfectly diversify their vacation by visiting various attractions. It has long been known that Tunisia is famous for its rich history.

Every corner of the country is replete with historical monuments and unique architectural structures. And Monastir is no exception. Excursion tourism is superbly developed here. Almost every hotel in the city has a tour desk offering interesting excursions to the main attractions of the city, its environs, and the country as a whole. The cost of excursions in Monastir is different. It all depends on what you want to see and how long your sightseeing trip will last.

Popular excursions in Monastir

A huge number of tourist routes have been developed from the resort. Tourists can book an organized group tour or hire a private guide. This fact also affects the prices for excursions in Monastir. A private guide is more expensive as the focus is on you.

One of the brightest and most unforgettable excursions is a trip to Alzahra Park... A grandiose laser show is held here, in which more than 100 actors take part. Tourists will be able to see an amazing performance that tells the story of this mysterious African country. The entire performance is accompanied by an incredibly beautiful light and sound show. While watching the performance, you will be offered to taste dishes of national cuisine and drink a glass of red wine.

Children will surely remember the trip to the zoo "Phrygia". Therefore, if you are relaxing with the whole family, be sure to visit this amazing place. If you read reviews about excursions in Monastir, it will become clear that this is one of the most popular places for family vacations. More than 50 species of different animals are represented here, among which there are many predators.

All residents of the zoo freely walk through the spacious enclosures. This is one of the few zoos in the world where you will not see tortured animals sitting in cages, but real wild animals that feel great and live in luxurious conditions. There is a magnificent dolphinarium on the territory of the zoo, where bright shows with the participation of dolphins and fur seals are held every day. After watching the performance, you can take pictures as a souvenir, and even swim with dolphins for a fee.

In summer, at the peak of the tourist season, you always want something unusual. It is quite possible to combine a historical excursion with an interesting entertainment program. For this, tourists can order an excursion "Pirates and gladiators". This is a great way to spend time with the whole family. The tour includes two stages.

In the morning you will visit the city of El Jem. Here is a huge Roman amphitheater, where real gladiatorial battles were once held. After visiting this unique ancient structure, you will embark on a sea voyage on a huge pirate ship. During the journey, you will be treated to pirate food and drinks. And so that tourists are not bored, they are entertained with bright performances and fun contests.

If you are deciding where to go in Monastir to explore the country's historical monuments, then pay attention to the excursion “From the past to the present". This excursion route is designed for the whole day. During the trip you will visit the most ancient city of the country, Carthage, wander through its streets, inspect the ruins of ancient buildings. Then you will be shown one of the most beautiful cities in the country - the city of Sidi Bou Said.

All buildings in the city are made in white and blue, which gives it a special charm. The next stop awaits travelers in the capital of the state - the city of Tunisia. You can not only walk along the streets of this beautiful city, but also visit the Bardo Museum, which displays the world's best collection of ancient mosaics.

And, perhaps, the most popular excursion from Monastir is the excursion “Sahara explorer". This is a fascinating two-day trip through the main desert of the world. During the trip, you will visit the ancient city of El Jem, see the filming location of the legendary Star Wars movie, visit the largest salt lake in Africa, Shott el Jerid. This bright journey will leave a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions.

Prices for excursions in Moanstire

When contacting a tour agency, first of all, you need to find out how much excursions in Monastir cost. It is worth noting that the prices here are quite affordable, and the excursions are very interesting.

  • Laser show - 2350 rubles (children under 12 years old - 1170 rubles)
  • "Magic of Animals" or a trip to the Phrygia Zoo - 1500 rubles for adults, 750 rubles. for kids
  • "Pirates and Gladiators" - adult - 2150 rubles, children - 1080 rubles
  • “From the past to the present” - 2700 rubles, for children - 1370 rubles.
  • "Explorer of the Sahara" - 5600 rubles for adults, 2800 rubles. - children under 12 years old

You can book a trip and see prices online on the popular Weatlas resource among travelers, here you can find interesting programmed tours throughout Tunisia without intermediaries.

Most of the sights can be visited on your own, for this you can rent a car from the best transport rental companies. The prices for car rental in Tunisia can be found in a separate material.
