Weather and seasons in Sochi by months. When is the best time to go


We will tell you when is the best time to go to Sochi. Monthly weather, air and water temperature. When the swimming and skiing seasons begin and end. Reviews of tourists about the rest at the resort.

When is the swimming season in Sochi

The first heats in the Black Sea start at the end of May, when the water warms up to + 20 ° С. This water is cold for most tourists, so there are few swimmers. When is the best time to go to Sochi with children? We advise you to plan your vacation in mid or late June so that the sea warms up to a comfortable + 22 ° C.

Most tourists come in July and August, when the sea water temperature is +25 ... + 28 ° С. In autumn there are fewer tourists, and in October the swimming season in Sochi ends.

When is the ski season in Sochi

When does the ski season in Sochi begin and end? Tourists come to Krasnaya Polyana from December to May. Officially, the ski season starts in mid or late December, when a stable snow cover is established in the mountains. The famous powder is available in February and March. During the rest of the months the weather is unstable. Sometimes you are lucky, and a meter of fresh snow falls during the night. Sometimes tourists are forced to ride on well-worn trails throughout their vacation.

There are snow cannons in the ski resorts, but they do little to help the cause. The climate in Krasnaya Polyana is warm, and the cannons only work in sub-zero temperatures. In early May, the ski season in Sochi ends.

Sochi Monthly Weather


Water and air temperature. In January, on the coast, the average air temperature is + 8 ° С during the day, and + 4 ° С at night. The Black Sea is cold + 11 ° С. In ski resorts, temperatures range from + 1 ° C to -1 ° C.

Weather. It is cool in Sochi during the winter season, it rains every other day. Stormy weather is common and snow is very rare.

Reviews of tourists. In winter, in Sochi, trees stand without leaves. Tourists like the fact that the coastal area is full of evergreens and flowering flower beds. Cypresses, thujas and palms look especially beautiful in the Riviera park and the Sochi arboretum. Cold snaps occur in January, so bring warm clothing, waterproof shoes, and a windproof jacket.


Water and air temperature. In February in Sochi, the air temperature rises: in the daytime up to + 12 ° С, and at night up to + 5 ° С. The sea water temperature is only + 9 ° С. In Krasnaya Polyana during the day + 3 ° С. At night, the thermometer drops below 0 ° C.

Weather. February weather in Sochi is similar to April in Central Russia. It is rainy and windy on the coast, and the sky is covered with clouds almost all the time.

Reviews of tourists. At the end of the month, the gardens begin to bloom and the leaves bloom on the trees. Tourists like to walk along the embankments and parks, go on excursions, spend time in museums and entertainment centers.


Water and air temperature. In March in Sochi, daytime temperatures range from + 10 ° C to + 20 ° C. It is also warm in Krasnaya Polyana: + 5 ° С during the day and + 1 ° С at night. The Black Sea is still cold +9 ... + 10 ° С.

Weather. In early spring, the weather is unstable. Sunny days alternate with cloudy ones, storms happen. There are 14 rainy days a month, so don't forget to put an umbrella in your luggage!

Reviews of tourists. There is snow almost throughout Russia, and trees and shrubs are in full bloom in Sochi. It is already possible to sunbathe in the sun, but it is still far from a full-fledged beach holiday. At this time, it is better to come to Sochi to enjoy the stormy spring and improve your health in sanatoriums and boarding houses.


Water and air temperature. In April, like March, the weather is unstable. During the day, the air warms up to +17 ... + 25 ° С, and at night it gets colder to +5 ... + 9 ° С. Sometimes there are frosts. The sea has not yet warmed up for swimming and has a temperature of +11 ... + 14 ° С. In ski resorts, spring also comes into its own. Day air temperature +8 ... + 10 ° С.

Weather. In April, there is already a lot of sun in Sochi, so on windless days tourists are happy to sunbathe on the beaches. It rains frequently. You can't do without a waterproof jacket and an umbrella!

Reviews of tourists. In the middle of spring, magnolia and sakura bloom on the coast. Vacationers enjoy the warm sun, fresh sea air and travel along the coast with pleasure. April is the best time for surfers to visit Sochi. Skiing conditions are good in spring. On the Sochi surf spots, beginners are trained and competitions are held for experienced athletes.


Water and air temperature. After the May holidays, real summer begins in Sochi. The average daily temperature rises above + 15 ° С. The sea is cool. The water temperature at the beginning of the month is + 17 ° С, and at the end it is already + 20 ° С.

Weather. In May it is warm, there is little precipitation, the air is fresh and there is no stuffiness. This is good weather for families with children, elderly tourists and everyone who, due to health reasons, is contraindicated in summer heat.

Reviews of tourists. May in the resort is suitable for walks, excursions, trekking, rafting and horseback riding tours. Some daredevils open the swimming season in Sochi, but most vacationers only sunbathe and wet their feet in the sea. It's still chilly in the evenings, so bring a sweater and jacket.


Water and air temperature. In June in Sochi, the average daytime air temperature is +25 ... + 27 ° С. At night, the thermometer does not drop below + 17 ° C. The water in the Black Sea is warmed up to +22 ... + 23 ° С.

Weather. The weather is clear and sunny in the resort. Rains are rare and short-lived. Since the humidity is not yet high, families with children are happy to come to Sochi.

Reviews of tourists. In June, it is better to rest in Sochi for everyone who does not like extreme heat. The beginning of summer is suitable for beach activities, active tourism, diving, boat trips and excursions.

Details about the rest in Sochi in June.


Water and air temperature. It is hot in Sochi at the height of the beach season. The temperature during the day is around + 30 ° С, and at night +19 ... + 20 ° С. Sea water is very comfortable + 25 ... + 26 ° С.

Weather. It is sunny in the Sochi subtropics - 27 clear days a month. The amount of precipitation is small - 45 mm, but the humidity is high. There is almost no wind, so even the sea feels stagnant air.

Reviews of tourists. In July, the number of tourists in Sochi reaches its maximum. The beaches and hotels are overcrowded. There are a lot of people on the streets and embankments in the evenings, and there are often queues for the attractions. The hustle and bustle is offset by good weather and more entertainment options.

Details about the rest in Sochi in July.


Water and air temperature. In August, it is hot in Sochi +30 ... + 33 ° С. The Black Sea has the same temperature as the water in Thailand, Hainan and the Maldives +27 ... + 28 ° С.

Weather. August is the sunniest and driest month of the year. The amount of precipitation does not exceed 34 mm. The wind speed is also low, so the resort has a hot haze.

Reviews of tourists. According to vacationers, the weather in August is not very suitable for families with small children. High humidity and heat are uncomfortable for the elderly and tourists who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Despite this, during the holidays, Sochi's beaches and hotels are overcrowded. Due to the large number of tourists, the Black Sea near the coast is not too clean.

Details about the rest in Sochi in August.


Water and air temperature. In September, the swimming season continues in Sochi. The air temperature during the day is +25 ... + 27 ° С, and at night +15 ... + 17 ° С. At the beginning of the month, the sea water temperature is +24 ... + 25 ° С, but by the end of September the Black Sea cools down to +21 ... + 22 ° С.

Weather. It is better to rest in Sochi in the first half of September. Then there are fewer sunny days. There is no need to worry about the rains - in September there are only two rainy days.

Reviews of tourists. The velvet season in Sochi is short, but very pleasant. The number of tourists at the resort is decreasing.Tourists swim in the sea, sunbathe, go on excursions and enjoy inexpensive fruits with pleasure.


Water and air temperature. In October, the beach season in Sochi ends. The average air temperature during the day is +20 ... + 21 ° С. At night it is already cool + 12 ... + 13 ° С. At the beginning of the month, sea water is still warm +20 ... + 21 ° С, but at the end of October it cools down to +16 ... + 18 ° С.

Weather. In the middle of autumn, the weather is unstable. Sometimes Sochi greets with summer warmth and sunny days, and sometimes prolonged rains spoil the vacation.

Reviews of tourists. The vagaries of the weather almost do not affect the impression of tourists about the rest. At a time when it is very slushy in Russia, it is sunny and warm in Sochi. It's already cool to swim, but you can sunbathe, walk, enjoy the sea and get acquainted with the sights. A good bonus - in the off-season, prices for tours and hotels are noticeably reduced.


Water and air temperature. In November, the resort has autumn weather. The air temperature is +15 ... + 17 ° С, and at night + 9 ° С. In early November, when the sea water is heated to +17 ... + 18 ° С, some daredevils still enter the sea. At the end of the month, the water cools down to + 14 ° C, and the beaches in Sochi become empty.

Weather. The amount of precipitation increases to 68 mm. There are 4-5 rainy days per month. There is already snow in Krasnaya Polyana, but there is still a month and a half before the opening of the ski season in Sochi.

Reviews of tourists. It is dry at the end of autumn on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory. Tourists love sunny weather and fresh sea breezes. In November, you can go shopping, relax in entertainment centers and travel around interesting places without the heat.


Water and air temperature. It is cool in Sochi at the beginning of winter. The average daytime temperature is +9 ... + 10 ° С. The Black Sea has cooled down to +12 ... + 13 ° С. In ski resorts, the daytime temperature is +3 ... + 4 ° С, and at night the thermometer drops to 0 ° С.

Weather. In December, the most precipitation falls in Sochi - 116 mm per month. Cold rains fall on the coast, and snow falls on the mountains. Piercing winds blow from the sea, so warm, windproof clothing and an umbrella will come in handy.

Reviews of tourists. Holidays in December are good for walks, excursions, shopping, excursions and health tourism. In the second half of December, the ski season starts in Sochi, and winter sports fans come to Krasnaya Polyana.
